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Day level permalink April 25, 2002

The Browser That Roared
Enter Mozilla, Web-surfing software by the people, for the people. Has Microsoft met its match?

Just what we needed another web browser.  Oh maybe that IS what we need.  I am testing it all day today, and it looks real good.  Now if I was Bill Gates, I would be hoping that this takes a whole bunch of market share....  might get the feds off his back.  Think about it, if there was no AMD, Intel would have to invent it.  MS needs a real competitor.  To make it better, and to throw the monopoly crowd off. has the story about the browser by  Lev Grossman

2:44:51 PM  Item-level permalink    

Did my radio spot again today, talked about viruses.  This seems to be the topic that gets the most reaction. 

Basically the real threat in my opinion is through email payloads.  If you see an email in your inbox that has an attachment, and you think it might be a virus, you can check it out.

Go to and search that site for words in the subject line of the email.  You might even search for the filename that the attachment has. 

11:08:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

Virus writers outpace traditional AV
Email viruses infecting 10 per cent of users and are costing business millions of (dollars) each year - even though AV software is used by 95 per cent of companies.  

That's the main finding of a study by analysts Hurwitz Group, sponsored by managed security outfit MessageLabs. This concludes that traditional anti-virus software development is failing to keep pace with email-borne infections. Managed services from ISPs which scan email for viruses offer lower total cost of ownership for AV protection, the Hurwitz report concludes.

7:06:46 AM  Item-level permalink    

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