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Day level permalink April 6, 2002

Music Companies Still Looking for Online Hit. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Celine Dion's new album this week gave record giant Sony Music reason to both cheer and weep. The CD topped sales charts but also infuriated fans in Europe when the disc's copyright protection technology sent computers crashing. Is Celine Dion a virus? By Reuters. [New York Times: Technology]
4:03:01 PM  Item-level permalink    

Report: MS Foes Bribed Attorneys. A Washington Post columnist claims state attorneys general were bribed by Oracle and Sun, et al., to keep the antitrust case alive. This and more from Washington bureau chief Declan McCullagh's notebook. [Wired News]
4:01:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft preps content locks for devices. The software company prepares to upgrade its anti-piracy technology in an effort to link online music subscription services and portable gadgets. [CNET]
3:58:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

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