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Day level permalink April 12, 2002

OK, you have a problem where your cat has a bad habit of catching various animals, dragging them inside through your cat door, and letting them loose in your house so they can be chased for hours. Besides being very cruel, you are also getting tired of finding small animal corpses all over the house. If you are a geek, you will build a computer-controlled Advanced Image Recognition Security device that visually determines if the cat is carrying anything in it's mouth when it enters.  This device should not only unlock the door for the cat automatically, but also serve up the pictures of the cat coming and going to a web server for all the world to watch.  Yes, that is about right.  Look here for details.

9:55:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

Cox and AT&T Join the Tiered Party Unveil intent to offer different service packages  Earlier this week, Time Warner announced it would be putting caps in place to handle "bandwidth hogs", and indicated an eventual push towards tiered service plans. Comcast shortly followed suit announcing their plan to offer additional speeds. Add AT&T and Cox to that list, as both companies today quietly unveiled plans to offer different speeds by the end of the year. The move may bring significantly capped broadband to users for as little as twenty dollars.  I found this story on
7:45:47 AM  Item-level permalink    

Rising Costs of Free Web E-Mail. Though slow and unreliable, at least those Web-based e-mail services such as Hotmail and Yahoo are free. But the trend is toward charging for services, which is spawning a new breed of smaller, leaner Web-based mail sites.  If it is real cheap, is it 'almost free'?  Would you pay $2.50US a month for 30 MB of e-mail storage online, the ability to access mail from other e-mail accounts, no advertising and a stunning interface?  By Farhad Manjoo. [Wired News]
7:35:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

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