Saturday, February 26, 2005 | |
Allen Johnson is wondering what developer Roy Carroll II should rename the old old Wachovia building. I think The Carroll Building, suggested by a reader, has a stately ring to it. I did my high school senior project in that building, working at Merrill Lynch. Mostly I hung out with the gentlemen who gathered each day to watch the ticker and count their money, legendary Greensboro businessmen like Chick Holderness and Ceasar Cone II. I learned a lot about the stock market from those old guys, and a lot useful stuff from Brother Bill Taylor, too, the latter sometimes holding forth on non-financial topics at Matthew's Grill next door, to which we might repair at odd hours of the day. All gone, now, including Matthew's and the building that housed it. I'm glad the big box will get new life. 4:56:27 PM comment [] |
Michael Gorman: I was kidding when I said I hated blogs! But I still don't like blogs. "The piece was intended to be satirical, though I am certainly no fan of 'blogs,' having an old fashioned belief that, if one wishes to air one's views and be taken seriously, one should go through the publishing/editing process." His constituents aren't buying it. Via TeleRead, who thinks Gorman should not be president of the American Library Association: "Dump this guy now if you care about old books and new librarians." 4:17:41 PM comment [] |
Matt Welch on Hunter S. Thompson revisionism. (via Henry Copeland) 2:06:02 PM comment [] |
Blogging mayor, city manager in Minnesota (via the invaluable Greensboro is Talking). Is Ed Kitchen coming to the teach-in? 12:50:27 PM comment [] |
Sue is ranting about the Kansas AG's attempt to uncover abortion-clinic records. But Tony Perkins says folks like her are just "exalting their false worship of abortion." 9:46:40 AM comment [] |
A Wisconsin school-board member doesn't like a community blog that discusses school issues. Someone should tell him that the best thing to do is get a blog of his own. 9:35:18 AM comment [] |
News & Record RSS feeds. 9:28:56 AM comment [] |
Dave Winer: Markoff the kingmaker. Interesting. He links to Staci Kramer, who says: "Few start ups launch with John Markoff as an advance man. The story's close to dismissive or oblivious to other entrepreneurial efforts to make money by automating audio feeds or creating audio for RSS-driven distribution." 9:26:44 AM comment [] |