The Office of Intergovernmental Solutions published their latest newsletter today on the topic of Homeland Security. Mike Worthington's article on communications interoperability discusses the Utah Communications Agency Network (800 MHz) and the success they had during the Olympics. Our next step will be to connect all of our networks (UCAN, 150 MHz, 450 MHz, phone, state WAN, etc.), voice and data, over IP in a way that will allow all kinds of interoperability and add tremendous value to mobile users.
Another article discusses our interoperability (XML, multi-state, also called National Environmental Information Exchange Network) project with EPA that I have mentioned previously. An article on Pennsylvania's JNET mentions Governor Leavitt's efforts to develop a national framework for homeland security information sharing. Lisa Hopkins' article on Florida's homeland security efforts capsulizes the MATRIX project. Utah and 13 other states are participating in this extension of the Regional Information Sharing System (RISS) efforts. Lisa also mentions Florida's
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