It is frightening how little debate there is among citizens these days. Most of the media seems to have abdicated their role. The sixties were in most ways much worse than now, but there was a sense that the press was functional and that people could make an impact on a very corrupt government and broken social structures.
The origin of the word propaganda comes from the Latin Sacra Congregtio de Propaganda Fide , or Sacred Congregation for Propagating the Faith which was established 1622 to convert, or propagate, the faith. The current administration is very good at it, having changed where's Osama? into get Sadam while mostly ignoring North Korea, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and our economy.
What will happen if things go wrong in a war and reality TV craving audiences begin to see body bags ... perhaps holding kids they know or possibly their own kids? There doesn't seem to be much substance to shore up the need for a deadly war. Of course wars are always going to be painless these days so why worry?
Just in case one entrepreneur is getting ready ... A casket/urn maker has special models and is offering 10% off to the families of servicemen who are lost this year. Surely the patriotic US flag and American Eagle motifs will bring pride to these families.
As one correspondent noted ... if only those blankety-blank Iraqis didn't have our oil under their sand ...
6:52:05 AM