The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Thursday, February 13, 2003

I have experimentally added a google search to the blog. It may go away as casual testing relative to atomz is not good (try the word ferret for example) considering the full array of radio sites are supposedly spidered by both.
7:10:03 AM    

Nicholas Lemann's current piece in the New Yorker is well worth the read.

This belief of reforming the postwar Mideast has been a strong theme in conservative intellectual circles for some time. My own belief (not based on any expertise) is that they seem very naïve - there are too many events that will be out of their control and social issues are not favorable to their argument.

Seldom in history has someone gone into war to find the results they predicted at the other side.

The same issue (physical version) has a great essay by John McPhee that is easily worth the price of the magazine.
5:09:06 AM    

For those of you who are following commercial WiFi developments I'm hearing that some target businesses see a much greater value in selling real estate for the base stations than sharing revenue.

There is something of a gold rush going on at the moment with too many companies chasing (probably) too little revenue. This is a very useful class of service, but it isn't clear than any of the WiFi providers have a viable business model. Before you invest in such a company, make sure that they have built in space rental payments that can be thousands of dollars a year into their plans.

Some businesses don't want people to have connectivity that encourages loitering. Perhaps there is a business selling cheap wire meshes to block signals...
5:08:52 AM    

Several people have posted keyboard shortcuts for the Safari browser. Here are all that I know about...

  • delete: move to previous site

  • spacebar: scolls the page down a screen (minus a small overlap)

  • spacebar + shift: scrolls the page up a screen

  • command + click on a link: opens a link in a new window

  • command + option + click on a link: downloads source of link to the desktop

  • command + double click bookmark: opens bookmark in another window

  • command + B: toggles bookmark bar

  • command + D: adds bookmark

  • command + L: selects url text

  • command + option + A: opens activity window

  • command + option + M: marks the current page for snapback

  • select and hold back/forward button: shows recent history

5:08:21 AM    

Printable rulers - what a useful idea!

thanks for the link Greg!
5:08:04 AM    

So the hi-tech shuttle picture really wasn't hi-tech ... From the description I be it was a Questar (which is a very desirable piece of glass and quite common in the military and r&d).
5:07:39 AM    

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