The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Monday, February 17, 2003

It is snowing in the Northeast at the moment.

It turns out that if you shovel snow into your shower some of your ferrets may become interested enough to play in it.

Some time ago we had an albino ferret who loved this more than any form of play. Of course doing it outside would be challenging as a fast white ferret in a snow drift is non trivial to catch.
1:30:20 PM    

Technically amazing, Winged Migration is a movie you have to see. It would be incredible to see this on a huge screen.

I would love to read a description of how some of their shots were done. Notes with the film suggest gliders, RC aircraft (fixed wing and helicopters), balloons, ultralights and full scale powered light aircraft and helicopters were used. Three years were spent shooting the film. Lots of work, lots of cleverness...
5:49:59 AM    

Someone asked about turnkey hotspot systems yesterday.

There are several that I'm aware of with a variety of business models ranging from offering a turnkey box for the user to easily install with their own net and whatever billing they want to a variety of revenue sharing models that link to existing networks.

I have very little confidence that people will make money on the current flavor of paid subscription services for a variety of reasons (many noted in earlier pages of this blog), but other business models make sense.

I won't make any direct public comments on these, but some are reasonable and some are - well - less than reasonable (a half dozen from a three month old list are now out of business). I would recommend talking with people in the FreeNet game and/or talking with other likely network operators (Verizon is doing this on a trial basis along with a few cable companies).

Meanwhile Vivato has finally announced a price for their phased array system ($9k).
5:49:25 AM    

So you believed the administration and have twenty extra rolls of duct tape on your kitchen table.

There are things that can be done.
5:49:10 AM    

And a nice quite from Teddy Roosevelt c.1918.

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

Somehow it seems appropriate.
5:48:50 AM    

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