Tuesday, February 18, 2003
The BBC World Service is reporting that the LIGO gravity wave detection facility is now ready to take data. Apparently the initial tuning experiments have been successful, although I haven't been able to find the current sensitivity limits (the news is apparently from an informal presentation at the AAAS meeting in Denver this week).
If you are unfamiliar with LIGO (Laster Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), take a look at one of their public education pages. In particular the slideshow introduction.
7:08:53 AM
Ferrets can hold down real jobs - even in high energy physics.
The Swiss telephone company used to use them for running underground cables.
Our guys only cause work.
6:42:51 AM
Off hand I can't see how these are ergonometric. I can see where a wealthy gamer might want one, but there aren't any businesses I can think of that are still around where one would fit in. (Thanks for the link John.)
6:42:28 AM