What happens if America becomes Israel?
It would be nice if foreign policy was a first line of defense, but the far right (and that now includes the President and policy) have seem to have other ideas. Is the new world order they see unstable, metastable or stable? Are the fundamental components of our democracy unstable, metastable or stable? I would guess metastable for both with some unfortunate transitions as empire fades.
And then there is the issue with the perception of security. It is remarkable how slowly people are moving on things like making ports more secure. I guess diverting the public's attention to something only the far right sees as a remedy is sexier - for the time being.
By the way - are you comfortable with the current staffing levels in your local police, fire and first aid organizations? Many communities around here are now seriously understaffed with important members on duty somewhere else courtesy of the National Guard. One township saw three of its six police leave. If we have this huge threat it may make sense to revisit a draft or universal service.
6:07:40 AM