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Web Bad Money

"The frightening power of Harvey's filthy lies makes me tremble like a Frenchman. I frequently wet myself in terror and... Oops... damn." - Glenn Reynolds

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"The man is a FREAK and a WEIRDO!" - Vigilance Matters

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"...a very, very sick person." - She Who Will Be Obeyed

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"Curmudgeonly Old Coot" - BigStick.US

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  Friday, February 20, 2004



Love is when you have a bad day, but when you see the one you love, everything seems ok.

posted by Harvey at 10:56:29 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Trying to raise money to repair the extensive damage resulting from the comment party, The Bartender from Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon took to handing out subtle hints with his customer's change.

posted by Harvey at 10:53:52 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I'm a strong believer in fact-checking, so before I hit post on something, I'll usually try to think through the consequenses of my words, and do any necessary Googling ahead of time.

However, Space Monkey of The Flying Space Monkey Chronicles pointed out a recent HUGE error in my thinking. Mr. Monkey recently suggested that, in order to stay true to the "where was George" standard, we should demand to know John Kerry's whereabouts at 7 minute intervals in order to be able to safely say that "he did not have sex with that woman, Alexandra Polier". In the comments, I stated that perhaps 7 seconds would be more appropriate, as Democrats aren't exactly known for their staying power.

Oh, yes, I am amusing, but also dumber than a granite pancake, as Monkey explains:

You see, Following the Terry Mcauliff Scandal Handbook 2004 Release the plan is we get the 7 minute version, pretend to peruse it for a millisecond or two and THEN declare/demand, in order,
"Hey, what are you hiding here? There are 6 minute 59 second gaps between every entry."
"Where's the video coverage?"
"Why is there no independent confirmation of the 10:33am restroom entry of July 3rd, 1989?"
"Where are the botox treatment entries?"
"What is NOT in here says more than what IS in here!"
"What's BUSH Kerry covering up?"
"Fake medals!"

Then we demand and get the one minute version and keep going and keep going until Kerry Bush is elected or some other more scandalous scandal is generated from all of this sewermongering.

Be patient, Harvey, we'll get the 7 *second* version, don't you worry. Don't you worry.

I gratefully acquiese to the wisdom of my betters on this issue.

posted by Harvey at 10:42:57 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I think Jeff from BigStick.US stole the clock from my bank, because I SWEAR I've seen this egregiously bad time-keeping habit before. Has YOUR clock at work ever done this?

posted by Harvey at 10:22:26 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I'm not a team player. I hate working in groups, because I'm smart, perceptive, dilligent, and I write well. Which means that, statistically, anyone you group me with is likely to be stupid, dull, lazy, and illiterate by comparison. The typical result of group work for me is that the ankle-weights ride my coat-tails to a better grade, and I only hope and pray that they don't actively try to do anything obstructive in the meantime. There was one particularly horrid project where some squish-noggin who hadn't even done the reading actually tried to argue with me on which course of action to take.

I don't mind if people are dumb, as long as they stay out of my way while they're doing it.

The only good group work experience I ever had was where we had to do some surveys and present the results in front of the class, with a 5-page paper due on the results.

I lived off campus, the other 3 lived on. What I proposed was that, if they'd do all the surveying, I'd write the entire paper - sort of the "division of labor according to talent theory". They were a little uncertain at first, but after I showed them an editorial I'd written for the campus paper, they trusted me. Even though we didn't "each do a little" in every area, and I probably put more actual clock time into it than they did, it still felt fair, and I was happy to share the A.

That, and we all agreed the prof was a stupid cow.

On the other hand,  if you find yourself  in a group with some complete slack-off tail-dragger who meets your group for the first time on the day the assignment is due, then... well, Trey shows how this ought to be handled.

posted by Harvey at 10:19:45 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


In San Francisco, they're marrying gay folks in violation of State Law. In the comments to this entry at Note-It Posts, there's some debate on the virtues of this move. Dana says these folks are elected officials, and their job is to uphold the law whether they like it or not. Mikey argues that when there's a bad law, a little civil disobedience is in order.

I think Mikey misunderstands what civil disobedience is all about. The purpose is NOT to violate the unjust law. The PURPOSE is to gain sympathy from bystanders for your cause. Here's how it works: you do something harmless, yet illegal - say sitting at a lunch counter. But your goal is not to eat lunch. Your goal is to have the authorities enforce the law by arresting you. You don't resist, but you don't assist, you just let them drag you away. Then you sit in jail for the "crime" of wanting a hambuger. Other folks around the nation get pissed off & tell their elected officials to scrap the laws because being dragged off to jail for sitting on a stool seems so insanely disproportionate.

If the San Franciscans wanted to engage in civil disobedience, they'd have gay couples trying to get arrested for being married so that people could see the injustice. As it is, they're just flouting the law like childish, unprincipled anarchists, and they're not getting anyone's sympathy.

If you're going to do this, folks, then do it to the hilt.

Don't dabble. It makes you look foolish.  

posted by Harvey at 10:06:41 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


The Bartender has returned from hiatus and posted part 3 of the Lush Lexicon at Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon. Some of my favorites include:

Loudmouth soup
A shot of strong liquor.

Mysterious Drinking Accident. When you wake up with bruises and cuts you have no recollection of receiving. Also called UPI (Unidentified Party Injury), UBB (Unidentified Beer Bruise) and drunk marks.

No Beers Required: Someone sufficiently attractive enough to hit on while sober. [Harv's note: see also "Corner of the Bar Babe"]

One for the ditch
A less optimistic version of One for the road.

Plenty more at the bar.

Meanwhile, Barkeep is pretty testy about the mess we left from the comment party, and in the comments to this post hints broadly that he's thinking about shutting the place down. I figure if we get him drunk enough, he'll forget all about THAT dumbass idea. He's holding last call right now, so stop by, buy one for yourself and one for him, and tell him he's loved & needed.

Or tell him "F*** you, Bartender", which is about the same thing.

posted by Harvey at 10:02:12 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


The Top 10 topic is up at the Emperor's Palace:

"Top Ten Ways the Loony Moonbat Left Will Make Themselves Look Even MORE Hopelessly Ridiculous in 2004"

Submissions were due today. I got mine in last night.

I must admit that, when I first saw the topic, my intial reaction was... less than enthusiastic. Since the news lately has been nothing but the Democratic primaries, nothing much immediately suggested itself. I got that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach - "I've got NOTHING! How the hell am I going to get 10 somethings in 24 hours? I'm DOOMED!"

The first idea hit me before I left from work. Another one followed during the drive home. The rest came in fairly short order once I sat down at home in front of my computer.

It's a good list, and right now, it's in Susie's warm, sensitive hands, awaiting its moment to be posted on the IMAO stage this Monday, where it will prance in the limelight with its five competitors.

Is it good enough to beat the 4 minor competitors? Probably.

Can it beat Frank J? ...possibly... I really think... possibly.

Don't try to figure out which is mine. Just go vote for the best one. Either it's mine, or I don't deserve to win.

Quite possibly it's mine, though. Oh yes. Quite possibly.

posted by Harvey at 9:53:01 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME

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