Updated: 3/1/2004; 12:03:46 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Another soulless misanthrope cog in the GOP humanity-hating machine!

Saturday, February 28, 2004


SF Mayor Slams Bush over Gay Marriage

Political showmanship? EXCUSE ME? Who was it that chose to BREAK CALIFORNIA LAW IN THE FIRST PLACE, Mayor Newsom?

Your actions in San Francisco don't qualify as showmanship, it's plain political GRANDSTANDING. Whether it was your decision, or the City Clerk's, to violate California law in the first place has become irrelevant now. It happened on YOUR watch.

There is no issue to "resolve" here. The marriages are ILLEGAL. Your city BROKE THE LAW. And the law isn't "unclear" on the issue. [democrats give conservatives indigestion]

9:35:32 PM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

POX 186: Not So Long Ago

9:21:52 PM    


Picture of the Day

Have you tried TV on your computer yet.  Get one of these , plug it into a USB port, and watch away.  You can make it full screen or any size you want.  You can minimize it and just hear the audio if you want.  Sorry for the poor quality picture but if I do a screen capture the TV screen comes out black.  This is a handheld shot of my monitor screen so I'm really surprised it's as good as it is.

All the pictures.

8:30:19 PM    


Kerry Attacks War on Terror, Fails to Offer Alternatives

John Kerry, stung by the criticism of his votes against numerous defense projects, tried to attack President Bush and the War on Terror.

While the Senator was long on accusations, he was woefully short on substance, failing to cite a single instance he considered a "failure" and refusing to provide any alternative strategies.

Kerry said:
We cannot win the war on terror through military power alone.

Kerry did not state what he would be doing differently to combat terror, though. Instead he simply attacked President Bush, saying Iraq is in disarray with U.S. troops bogged down in a deadly guerrilla war with no exit in sight. He said outlying areas of Afghanistan are sliding back into the hands of a resurgent Taliban and emboldened warlords. Kerry provided no evidence to back up his accusations, and instead offered more campaign rhetoric:

I am convinced that we can prove to the American people that we know how to make them safer and more secure with a stronger, more comprehensive, more effective strategy for winning the war on terror than the Bush administration has ever envisioned.

Steve Schmidt, a Bush spokesman, replied:

John Kerry ignored the real progress being made on all fronts of the war on terror, and he ignored his own long voting record that would undermine America's ability to fight the war on terror.

Senators Coleman and Kyl attacked Kerry's record on defense spending as well, arguing that Kerry's record belies his tough anti-terrorism rhetoric. They pointed out that Kerry sponsored a bill to cut intelligence funding and voted more than 38 times to cut weapons programs, many of the same ones used in Afghanistan and Iraq. [Reality Hammer]
7:35:01 PM    


Poor Mel!

shoe on another foot

It looks like some in Hollywood are going to blacklist Mel Gibson over "The Passion". He should consider that the greatest compliment he's ever received. Surely, though, a blacklist from the same people who decried the blacklisting and backlash from [Julie Neidlinger]

7:28:43 PM    


Oil-For-Food Scam Detailed

The New York Times can still deliver the goods sometimes, and here is an excellent, detailed report on the waste, mismanagement, and downright fraud known as the United Nations Oil-for-Food program, which the Saddam regime exploited to live in luxury while the people of Iraq starved and suffered: Hussein's Regime ... [Little Green Footballs]

5:56:10 PM    


It's good to see that a couple of Pundit's can see through this oh so obvious Donk setup!

Truly, the laws of Physics have been anulled...

via The Lawyer: As someone who covers the FCC for a living, I can assure you that the pressure for a crackdown on broadcast indecency did not originate in the White House. In fact, critics have accused Michael Powell of... [The Bejus Pundit]

5:34:35 PM    


The Commissar has it figured out.  Now what to do about all the people in this country who think they know whats going on because they watch the networks news or read the Times.

Casualties - MiniTruth Talking Points

Comrades, unless the Revolutionary Baathist partizans manage to hit an American base in this weekend and inflict bolshoi casualties, February will be the lowest casualty month for the hegemonists since Shrimp Chub Bush launched his unilateral war. At this writing, only 22 Neo-Imperialists have died in February, none by actions of glorious Resistance for over a week, according to Lunaville. The number of wounded, now at 149, also looks to be lowest in many months. [The Politburo Diktat]

5:32:13 PM    


This is sick!  I'm calling PETA.

4:39:47 PM    


Thomas Sowell's thoughts are always good.  Here we get treated to a lot of them at once.

Random thoughts

.....It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer "universal health care."

.....People who defended a draft dodger running for president a dozen years ago are now trying to make an issue out of President Bush's National Guard service. People who have been saying that everyone is "innocent until proven guilty" are now saying that whatever information is released about Mr. Bush's service "still leaves questions unanswered." The Encyclopedia Britannica leaves questions unanswered!


4:20:43 PM    


Bastard has a new pictorial essay on the entertaining Dean Campaign.

4:07:45 PM    


2/28/2004. Day By Day by Chris Muir

8:46:02 AM    


Eugene McCarthy. "It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember." [Quotes of the Day]

8:12:45 AM    

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