Updated: 3/31/2004; 12:48:53 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes

Monday, March 01, 2004


"In the 2004 presidential field, there is a candidate for nearly every point of view. His name is John Kerry." --Jeff Jacoby

[American Realpolitik]

10:32:23 PM    


Gay Marriage: The Candidates Stumble

The Washington Post asks the Democrat candidates to take a stand: Kerry's reply: "What I think -- I think it's a distinction between what you believe the institution of marriage is, but what's important, Dan, is that you give people... [democrats give conservatives indigestion]

Read Kerry's answer to the question and see if you can tell me what the hell he was saying?!  CP

10:18:29 PM    


Things About Germany

Kim shares his impressions of Germany with us.  I was very surprised to hear about the graffiti problem.  The only signs of that I saw there in the 70's and 80's was having to do with a big flap they were having about nuclear power.  I thought graffiti was only a problem in certain places in California but I guess everybody wants to get in on the act.  CP

 [Kim du Toit]

10:14:13 PM    


Make your own logo

9:37:13 PM    




Another phishing expedition with eBay as the bait. [New Urban Legends]

9:34:51 PM    


Pranks for the Memories

A compendium of memorable April Fool's Day pranks. [New Urban Legends]

9:32:46 PM    


This will make you hungry - or not!

5:22:09 PM    


Sand Trap

Do photographs show Iraqi fighter planes found buried in the desert? [New Urban Legends]

5:14:23 PM    


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

5:02:58 PM    


A Shameful Past
Don't play the Vietnam card with me, John Kerry.

Liberal critics of American foreign policy have claimed they "support the troops"--but they're obviously hoping we have short memories. Many of us will never forget the hundreds of lawyers they dispatched to Florida in 2000 to make sure military absentee ballots did not get counted (some sources say that two out of three military voices in Florida were never heard). That was after the Clinton administration initiated rules making it more difficult to vote on overseas military bases. [WSJ]

5:00:56 PM    


Kerry Will Abandon War on Terrorism

The Democratic Party's presidential front-runner, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), has pledged that if elected he will abandon the president's war on terror, begin a dialogue with terrorist regimes and apologize for three-and-one-half years of mistakes by the Bush administration.

4:57:16 PM    


Let them eat cake

The Democrats have been pounding on the Bush administration for months about its alleged "insensitivity" to the outsourcing of jobs. Kerry and Edwards have been screeching about the White House's "policy" to outsource jobs, close factories and - no doubt coming soon - to switch honest American Girl Scout cookies for stale Chinese fortune cookies made by children shackled to conveyer belts.

Before that - and before Bush backed a half-trillion-dollar Medicare expansion - the Democrats pounded the table about Bush's "insensitivity" about the lack of healthcare and the outrageous costs of prescription drugs. Before that it was the tax cuts. I forget what came before that. But there's a unifying theme to all of these policies and criticisms, at least in the minds of liberals.

12:22:19 PM    


Is Switzerland your idea of heaven?

According to a new survey of the quality of life in 215 countries (are there really that many nation states?), Zurich is the best city in the world to live. Geneva is second. Bern is sixth. Does that makes Switzerland heaven on earth? I like Switzerland, but really it's a pretty boring place (OK, not as boring as Luxembourg). In this survey, London - where I live - comes 35th. I'd put it... [NightHawk]

Amen!  Having spent time in both places I would say that Switzerland is ok for a one time visit if your a scenery buff, but London is where you go to have a good time.  CP

12:17:01 PM    


Allah is sad today

Allah can usually count on news from Iran to calm him down when he gets riled up like this, but not today. Oh there is plenty of news, and on any other day it would make him laugh and clap like a little girl, like this article or this glorious collection of anecdotes from the recent election or this long but absolutely essential essay on how your foreign policy "realists" soon shall be pressuring Curious George to appease Allah in all the right ways. But not today. Today Allah is not feeling it. Today something is wrong that is making Allah so very sad in the pants.   [Allah Is In The House]

12:08:05 PM    


February Casualties in Iraq Lowest of War

As far as Commissar has been able to Google, there are no reports of February casualties in this context. Therefore, Commissar will award new dacha, Hero of Soviet Union medal, and bolshoi linkage to any comrade identifying traitorous, counter-revolutionary mention of low February casualties in any mainstream MiniTruth media.

Full blackout, comrades; enemy bombers overhead!  [The Politburo Diktat]

12:01:51 PM    


Never Again!

There are no Dachaus in the United States. There will never be any Dachaus in the United States. If there were a Dachau, maybe outside Quincy, Illinois, I would be there now -- and so would you.

When you equate Bush to Hitler, you're wanting to dishonor the President. I don't care much about that.

What I care about is that by trivializing the issue, by using your absurd hyperbole, you dishonor the suffering and the loss suffered by the people who were victimized by the real Hitler. Your own illusory suffering at the hands of this Republican president is not only trivial, it is non-existent, and do not even think you can begin to equate the two. [Kim du Toit]

11:55:24 AM    


Banning "Cop Killer" Bullets

When have you ever met a liberal that was "informed" on any issue?

There never has been any such thing as a "cop-killer" bullet. The issue is a fiction, invented for purposes of politics, not public safety. In any case, since 1986, federal law has prohibited the rare types of handgun ammunition that have unusual abilities to penetrate body armor.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives reports that current ammunition laws are fully sufficient to protect the police, and that attempts to change these laws could actually lead to increased police fatalities. Notwithstanding this strong warning, some lobbyists and politicians continue to play on public misunderstanding, by using the so-called "cop-killer" issue to demand the power to ban standard rifle ammunition used for hunting.

And there you have it in a nutshell. If we won't let them get away with banning guns outright, they'll go after the ammunition, they'll go after the gun makers, anything at all to continue their agenda of disarming America.  [democrats give conservatives indigestion]

11:51:00 AM    


Military Aviation - Fixing the Fiasco

This post is in-line with the last post about Peace as the anomaly and the needs in restructuring our forces to meet the new threat. Our current Army aviation assets are designed to take on a large armored force, not... [Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love]

11:47:38 AM    


Boobie Crisis!

About My Nips

 Now, most people wouldn't notice this ... [Da Goddess]

She's right!  I didn't even notice!  Now that you mention it I can see there is a definite problem there.  Lets get her into surgery quick!

10:05:29 AM    


Woo woo!  No more knuckle dragging for Smash.

He didn't look like a dragger when I met him anyway!

Standing Upright. ONLY DIE-HARD BLOGGERS care about this sort of thing, but I'll share it with the rest of you anyway: I... [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

9:37:46 AM    


Awwwww!  I'm an Adorable Little Rodent.  How cute!

Does that mean I'm a RAT? 

I like that!

9:21:40 AM    


On the road with Her Filthiness   

I told reader Jake yesterday that I was going on record and saying, "Kerry will not be the Donk nominee."  I'm sure y'all understand why; he has become of caricature of of himself, and quite unelectable.  But ...... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

9:13:24 AM    


Kerry and Vietnam The daughter of a Vietnam veteran writes:

Kerry supporters are the ones who would applaud my high school social studies teacher, a draft dodger who in 1976 banished me to the library for the duration of our Vietnam unit because I questioned his one-sided presentation of our troops as baby killers. Dare I say, these are the same people who spat on our guys back in the 1960s and disdained them in the '70s. [PoliPundit]

6:26:26 AM    


Picture of the Day

This one is just to make some liberals have a heart attack!

All the pictures.

12:56:45 AM    


Suicide bombers coming to U.S.?  
Israeli raid turns up terror plot against Americans, Europeans

Bring it on!

Please hurry up while the Texan is still in charge.  Once the Wimp (who served in Viet Nam by the way) is in, we will just say we're sorry and ask the UN to say naughty, naughty. CP

12:43:36 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Cassini Closes in on Saturn

12:21:08 AM    


Bill Tammeus

"Oil prices have fallen lately. We include this news for the benefit of gas stations, which otherwise wouldn't learn of it for six months." [Quotes of the Day]

12:17:57 AM    



The real story behind photographs purportedly showing a failed carjacking attempt. [New Urban Legends]

12:12:30 AM    


3/1/2004. Day By Day by Chris Muir

Good one from Chris today.  CP

12:08:48 AM    


Believing the "Obvious"

Well, the Oscars are over, and the local station here started showing Entertaintment Tonight immediately afterwards. One of the stories they were previewing was something to do with a new type of breast implant. I turned to my mom and mentioned that the whole silicon breast implant thing was the greatest scam ever foisted on the American public by scumbag trial lawyers. She looked at me like I was crazy, and said something along the lines of, "You can't tell me that all that... [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

Some days I lose interest in reading stuff on the net and think, I'll just watch TV instead.  Fat chance right? - for those that know me.  Then I start surfing the blogs in my newsreader and gems like this pop out at me and I learn something that I had a snowballs chance in hell of learning about in the newspaper or on TV.

Thanks Lee!  I learned something today.  CP

12:01:36 AM    

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