2003 Denver Mayoral Transition
Here's an editorial from the Denver Post [July 07, 2003, "To schools' health"] with comments about the inaugural parties and the Mayor-elect getting involved with DPS. From the article, "It's certainly not chump change, but the message it sends about Hickenlooper's willingness to partner with DPS and investing in children is priceless."
Here's a link to another Post [June 25, 2003, "The magnificent 73"] editorial about the transition that I missed. I also missed this Denver Business Journal [June 23, 2003, "Hickenlooper picks transition teams"] article on the transition team and it's members.
I also missed this article from the Denver Post [June 22, 2003, "Pena to chair mayor's fund"] about Federico Pena heading up Mayor-elect Hickenlooper's transition fund. The story also has a few details about the transition team committees and how the transtion fund will be managed.
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