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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Saturday, December 7, 2002
[9:50:17 PM]     
See what happens if you don't watch CNN? I'd forgotten it was Lindsey who stupidly made a half-way realistic estimate about the cost of Little George's war on Iraq ($200 billion).

That explains the blood on the floor.

I think what happened is the Bush gang told Greenspan they would only steal Social Security this time, so Big Al whacked the economy. Big Al is looking pretty stupid now -- outside of the Republican Corporate Media.

(Interestingly, Krugman published the smoking gun -- Big Al's assertion on the record that if he wanted to slow the bubble, changing the margin rate would be sufficient. Republican Corporate Media ignored that, of course. The point is that Greenspan was probably lying about the need to slow the bubble with interest rates, and what he was really after in April of 2000 was a minor economic downturn just in time to get Bush elected. Through the miracle of the internet, the evidence is all accessible. Through the miracle of the Republican Corporate Media, the evidence is all ignored.)

If the war costs $200 billion, figure Bush cronies -- Poppy with Carlisle, Dick with Halliburton, and all the rest -- will get twenty or forty percent of the total. Since they can't just steal $80 billion outright -- move it directly from Treasury to Poppy's offshore accounts, for example -- they gotta have some cover story. If it costs the country $200 billion for Poppy and Dick to make off with $80 billion, what do they care? It's not like Dick is counting on Social Security to pay his medical bills.

*But* -- Lindsay has to keep his mouth shut.

[11:25:01 AM]     
*If* the Bush gang had any *real* evidence of "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, wouldn't the right thing to do be to give it to the weapons inspectors, who could verify and confiscate the weapons?

Ha ha ha.

[10:49:48 AM]     
Quick, crossword fans! What's a ten letter word for secret deliberative process involving like-minded plutocrats from multiple organizations, with the goal of using the power of government to enrich the plutocrats and their cronies?

Starts with 'C'. Ends with 'Y'.

That's right! "Conspiracy."

[10:17:18 AM]     
New book out by Cheney. The cover has his photo with a typical snarl. It's called "Asbestos I Recall... How I ran Halliburton into the ground, did business with Iraq, fired 10,000 workers, and walked away with $34 million dollars."

Based on the strength of DICK's previous bestseller "Siddown and Shaddup", he got a big-time advance from the publisher -- a subsidiary of a major Republican Corporation that needs White House assistance to eliminate competition by deregulating one of its markets.

Here's the cover photo [].

[9:58:53 AM]     
Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld know for sure that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Because Cheney and Rumsfeld *gave* Iraq all of its weapons of mass destruction when Poppy was Prez.

But what I like is Bush's assertion of nukular weapons. Bush's bed-partner and fellow unelected national leader Mush actually did give North Korea nuclear technology. To cover, Bush will lie about Iraq's nuclear program.

Bring us their heads!

[9:52:19 AM]     
Karl Rove's knife at work again. O'Neil blabbed way too much. He said right in public everything you need to know to lynch the whole Bush mafia. Thank Jesus for the Republican Corporate Media, or Bush and Cheney would be out of office by now.

So let's just not pretend that knifing O'Neil is about any sort of change in actual direction. Rove's just taking the chance to clean out the worst idiots. There are plenty more Republican Corporate Mega-Donors waiting for a big-time title. Take ol' Mr. Schwab. Please.

[9:46:54 AM]     
Republican party: the party of modern-day racism. The party that throws up overt racists into leadership roles. "Christians" for segregation. What restroom would Jesus use?

You will know the true soul of the Republican party by whether they toss Lott out on his ear.

[9:41:34 AM]     
"Whereas foreign policy since 9/11 has been decisive and, for the most part, well executed...."

Washington Post editors have obviously been getting really good CRACK.

Bush's only foreign policy success since 2001 has been letting Rove use the war to attack Democrats. We can't afford pay raises for -- the mainly Democratic -- federal workers because of the war. War veterans shot to pieces are unpatriotic because of resistance to the new war.

Have these Post Crackheads ever heard of someone named BIN LADEN?

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Last update: 1/1/03; 12:40:17 PM.