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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Thursday, December 19, 2002
[11:27:21 PM]     
Do you know how hard it is for a parrot to say "Mayberry Machiavelli"? My poor parrot is trying really hard. "Evil Bastards" was so much easier for him to say. Maybe he'll finally get it now that Krugman brought it up again.

Krugman's point is that it's becoming obvious to Americans that the Bushies are raping the country and the whole world, and they're incompetent bozos to boot. Paul puts it more politely than that.

[4:22:53 PM]     
How many Americans died because of hijackers? Would you say protecting us from hijacking is a worthy goal? Then we should get the Air Marshal program right. It's unacceptable that common bad practices increase the risks.

In fact, passengers and crew aren't likely to go along with hijackings any more. But a competent Air Marshal program could defend us against heavily-armed hijackers. But if the marshals are easy to identify -- two big guys in business costume, sitting on the aisle near the front -- we are more at risk than ever... If terrorists grab the marshals' guns on a flight with very few passengers, the terrorists might really be able to keep control of the plane. "The General Accounting Office and the Transportation Department's inspector general subsequently launched an investigation and audit, respectively. But Rodriguez holds out little hope that either agency will be able to delve deeply. He says marshals are constantly reminded that they will be fired or prosecuted for talking about the program. As a result, he says, marshals are wary of anyone in the federal government."

[3:55:10 PM]     
Even thought the Venezuela courts ordered an end to the oil strike, it looks like the coup is on: "Last week the State Department ordered non-essential embassy personnel to leave the country, and warned American citizens not to travel here. But there have not been attacks on American citizens or companies here, from either side of the political divide, and this is not a particularly dangerous place for Americans to be."

[3:22:21 PM]     
Here at licentious radio, we famously called the Dim-Dad's daughters drunken lesbo sluts. *We* don't hold that against them, obviously. Turns out, the daughters understand. They sent us this photo of Jenna Bush. We love you, too, Jenna! We're just mad at right-wing kooks for saying nasty things about Chelsea. (Hi, C!)

[2:59:21 PM]     
Jeb Bush -- the man who conspired to prevent 100,000 blacks from voting in two elections (and admitted guilt in the settling the suit) -- says Lott was naughty. More to the point, he says Lott can't be distracting the media next week from the war agenda. There's a patriot.

Maybe Clinton will start fighting against these Republican Criminals, and set a tone that will pull the Democrats towards protecting American citizens from the Bush agenda. Now there's a Christmas wish, for you.

After all, Bush *lost* the election. It's easy to make a case that were it not for two mysterious plane crashes, Democrats would still control the Senate. Looking at the Landrieu victory, it's easy to make the case that if Democrats would fight even the tiniest bit, they would take control back in the House. Landrieu was getting her ass whipped when she followed the Daschle strategy of "I'm almost a Republican". She turned it around and won because she started fighting. Democratic politicians had damned well better fight, or Democratic voters are going to come and whup your asses into shape.

All the Republicans have going for them is corruption, vote fraud, treason, and the media. You don't need money to fight that. You just fight it. *All* of the Democrats can't die in mysterious plane crashes.

[10:42:14 AM]     
Demand all these foreign brown-skins register. Then when they come in to register, arrest them by the hundreds! Excuse me, we need *cooperation* from these people. We want them to be on our side, so they do not tolerate the Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Instead, the Bush regime practices state terrorism, with the implicit goal of increasing support for Al Qaeda, and making the world a more dangerous place.

Democrats should put a stop to this now.

[10:34:12 AM]     
People keep saying stuff like "Probably the single greatest threat to Bush is the economy." I guess that's right. Peace is a greater threat, but Bush can easily prevent that. The economy is a tightrope. He's got to destroy it, but unless he keeps people focused on war, they might vote him out of office. If their votes are counted. It all comes down to war and voter fraud, then. Thank goodness for the family friend, Bin Laden. Thank goodness for Poppy's buddy, Saddam. Thank goodness for electronic voting machines from Republican Corporation with unaudited code. Thank goodness for Republican governors who will prevent blacks from voting. Thank goodness for the Republican Corporate Media.

What are you thankful for, this holiday season?

[10:05:22 AM]     
Democrats should absolutely *waste* the Republicans over the missile scam. Why spend tens of billions of dollars on a system that won't work -- in a hurry before the 2004 election? First, if -- heaven forbid -- Rove should lose, the system will be in place and it will be that much harder for the Democrats to kill. Second, the damage to international relations occurs immediately, even if the system doesn't work. Bushies have a clear strategy of making the world more dangerous, and the missile system doesn't have to work to accomplish that task. Third, think of the loot! Billions going to Bush cronies, and they don't have to even pretend to make a successful system.

Democrats should scuttle this, and put the money into effective security measures -- buy North Korea back onto a peaceful track, border guards, aid for Islamic countries, aid to Palestine.

This is not a hard case to make. Just show how much of the missile money will go to Republican Corporate Criminal Bush Campaign Contributors. Star Wars has always been dirtier than HUD.

Democrats should be attack dogs on national security. It was under Clinton that the big attacks on the US were foiled. It was under Bush that thousands of American citizens were murdered by a family friend of the Bushes.

[9:55:36 AM]     
Sigh. Have you patched Windows today? Bad guys can own your XP computer if you download an mp3, or if IE even *looks* at a hacked website: "if the user browses to a malicious web site with Internet Explorer directly, the attack will work regardless of the Internet Explorer security settings."

Say somebody hacks into a popular website running Microsoft's webserver, sneaks in an iframe tag to another compromised computer -- anywhere on the web. Now before the popular website's people even notice, thousands or hundreds of thousands of computers are under the bad-guy's control.

Brought to you by "trustworthy computing". Note this is a bug in a feature that is part of Microsoft's long-term strategy of adding every conceivable feature in order to defeat the competition, no matter what the impact on security. You would think that Gates could set aside a billion dollars or so to train his people in the need for security. Think "safety first". But the Microsofties all know how they kill the competition, and they aren't likely to change their ways because Gates has to mumble in public about security. Better to put the money into PR campaigns that 802.11 is unsafe, for example.

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Last update: 1/1/03; 12:40:30 PM.