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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
[9:12:10 PM]     
One's reminded of "Snow" as slang for Dubya's drug of choice, cocaine. Look what Georgie snorted and then spewed on the world:

Snow Job [slate].

[5:12:56 PM]     
Absolutely lovely weather. Monday I stomped around San Francisco, usually in the rain. A few times it poured, but always while I was in a bookstore. "Guess I'll look through another book." Today's all sunshine and shortsleeve shirts.

[1:04:12 PM]     
Spammed by Microsoft. All the big Republican Corporate Criminals are going to get in on this act now.

"If you prefer not to receive future promotional e-mails of this type, please click here to unsubscribe. Please note that it can take up to eight weeks to update customer information in our database; herefore, you may receive e-mail from us within that time period."

No wonder they criminalize benchmarking their database software. Most database software takes just a couple of milliseconds to update a record.

But seriously. What scumbags. "Trustworthy computing."

[11:15:29 AM]     
Ol' Hans is deleting the information about who supplied Saddam with his chemical and biological weapons. We all know it was the Bush gang. But maybe Hans don't want to be one to mention it because his job often entails the use of small airplanes. People who fly in small planes shouldn't mess with Bushes. Based on past "accidents".

[11:12:13 AM]     
Holy Shit: "He can apologize all he wants. It doesn't remove the sentiment that escaped his mouth that day." --Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, on Trent Lott's racism

[11:10:59 AM]     
They just named an aircraft carrier after Poppy Bush. You could say that's appropriate, considering how much money Bush has shoveled into the Military-Industrial Complex over the years.

Poppy set up the team under Reagan that dramatically increased the estimates of Soviet military spending to justify Reagan/Poppy's military spending increases. Of course, everyone knew at the time it was all lies, and subsequent history has proven the point. But compared to election fraud like the October Surprise, terrorism like mining harbors in Niceragua, and the whole Iran/Contra/Drugs scam, pocketing a few extra hundred billion dollars by lying about the Soviets isn't such a big deal.

It would be very interesting to figure out how much profit Poppy (personally) made on that aircraft carrier, too. Carriers are expensive enough that it could be a pretty large number, by the time you include the maintenance and support infrastructure.

Of course there's a whole industry named for Poppy's wife, "Bar". And considering the chemical abuse and sexual promiscuity of Bar's spawn, that's maybe even more appropriate than naming a carrier after Poppy. I mean, who really wants to go to sea on the S.S. Poppy? But almost everyone will head down to the bar for drugs, booze, and the hope of easy sex.

[9:36:41 AM]     
People, people! It's so unfair to harp on Lott's racism. I mean, why complain about a little accidental truth-telling by Lott? What if DeLay accidentally spoke his inner racism in public? See? It's just not fair to criticize Lott.

[9:21:33 AM]     
To Attorney General Bill Lockyear

It's come to my attention that there are outstanding warrants in several countries for Henry Kissinger.

While he is a noted war criminal, the current national regime has little interest in seeing him brought to justice.

We also see the national regime arresting California citizens who are expressly following California law -- the medical marijuana system.

As a citizen of California, and the United States, I think California should take a leadership role in seeing that justice is served in the case of Kissinger. I think you should investigate whether it would be feasible to issue arrest warrants for Kissinger on any of the charges leveled against him by several nations.

He is, by the way, a known flight risk -- having fled France rather than respond to a warrant.

Obviously there would be political repercussions, but they might just have a positive impact. At least Kissinger would stay out of California. I do not believe California should shelter known war criminals from legal investigations.

[8:52:03 AM]     
The corrupt Bush-crony judge said it was unprecedented that the GAO should sue Cheney for documents. Waxman was like -- "What an idiot. Of *course* it's unprecedented that the GAO would sue for documents in a case like this! It's unprecedented that a Vice President would withhold documents like this from the GAO." (Not a direct quote.)

Of course the corrupt conspiracy is also unprecedented in terms of bringing corporate cronies and political contributors right into his office and openly asking what Cheney should do to improve their ability to steal from American taxpayers. But then, it's also unprecedented that the Supreme Court would nullify an election and simply install its crime bosses.

[8:43:33 AM]     
Washington, D. C. (licentious) -- In a follow-up interview with Runners World Magazine, George W. Bush was asked again about the prospect of war. "Yeah, it still makes me run faster when I think of crushing Iraq under out tank treads. But man, when I think of *nuking* some Muslamaic city full of terrorists, I'm just off the charts. My Secret Service boys can't keep up."

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Last update: 1/1/03; 12:40:21 PM.