licentious radio

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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Thursday, December 12, 2002
[10:31:52 PM]     
Tell us again about what geniuses the Republican Crooks are at foreign policy? The missiles were going to Yemen, turkeys.

Next Cheney blusters and fumes and tries to get Yemen not to take the missiles. These are the "you're either with us or against us" masters of the universe. They can't even keep Yemen from taking a bunch of worthless missiles.

Bad timing, too. This was supposed to be Saddam-gave-nerve-gas-to-Al-Qaeda Day. Those Yemenis better keep an eye out for Predator drones.

[9:42:10 PM]     
licentious radio joins the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the National Review, and numerous other well-respected media companies in demanding Trent Lott's resignation. As the National Review put it, Trent steadily lost ground in the Senate during the late 90s, and then let that traitor Jeffords go. This kind of thing is intolerable.

The Bush-master demands a winner, and the Bush-master demands fealty. We, like the New York Times, etc., support the Bush-master in his campaign for regime change in Republican Senate leadership.

The Bush-master had better not lose this one, after his humiliation in Louisiana. I mean, Karl paid a *Lot* of money to keep blacks from voting, and then *Lott* came along and stirred things up.

The long knife of Bush-master Karl needs feeding.

[1:22:00 PM]     
Hey! It's the Republican Corporat Criminal Day-of-days!

This is Coup d'Etat Day!! Happy War! Happy Poverty! Happy Corruption! Happy Riddance to Civil Liberties! Happy Racism!

[10:50:40 AM]     
Tom Too Little, Tom Too Late --
Is it time for Tom to abdicate?

[10:46:03 AM]     
Man, if the New York Times calls for Lott's resignation, Rove must be out to get Lott. It only makes sense, of course. Rove is cleaning house, and Lott isn't 100% one of Poppy's boys. For example, you didn't see Lott sending thugs to Florida to rough up people who were trying to count black people's votes.

Figure there's *some* tiny chance that Democrats will chunk Tommy Daschle in the back seat and put a fighter up front. If that happens, Rove'll want a dirty tricks guy running the Senate. And what the heck, with WorldCom sunk, ol' Trent just isn't going to bring in the extra-legal cash that he used to. Time to dump the loser and get a winner.

Hmmm. Now who in the Senate would be Rove's pick?

[10:06:09 AM]     
Tim O'Reilly [] explains the economics of distribution and file sharing. He clearly points out that the industries will prosper, but some business models will need to change. The music industry pirates (by which I mean the convicted conspiratorial oligopolists waging war on their customers with the goal of preventing competition) will have to buy a few more Senators to overcome this concise, accurate analysis. Good thing for them Senators are so cheap.

The article itself, by the way, is not politically charged in its choice of words. It's pretty straight on the delivery of the facts. It is the *facts* that are politically charged.

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Last update: 1/1/03; 12:40:22 PM.