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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Friday, December 13, 2002
[11:43:48 PM]     
What I'm thankful for this holiday season is that Bush has appointed a serious man to the Securities and Exchange Cover-up. Here's a guy who was fully informed of his company's financial problems, but kept pumping the stock with rosy predictions. Donaldson got his cash out, big-time. It's just the dumb clucks investing for their retirement who lost their shirts because Donaldson was lying.

When Donaldson was appointed to the Cover-up, shares of the company went up. Cover up.

Of course no one really expects Republican Corporate Executives to announce to the world that they've screwed up nearly as bad as Cheney and their company is on the verge of melt-down. That's just not the way the game is played. So, as Cheney would say: "Shaddup!"

[11:26:44 PM]     
TIPS was such a stupid idea that it's gone. How about that! Does anybody know what color today is? That's how smart Tom Ridge is. Ashcroft and Ridge. Sitting in a tree. Buzzzzzzzz. Republican Corporate Criminals (big-time campaign financers) just cut down the tree.

These idiots can't remember whether it's "burn and pillage" or "pillage and *then* burn".

[11:06:19 PM]     
Duh: "With a little leadership, the Democrats could actually structure a fight in which they're calling for a cut on taxes that affect the bottom 80 percent of Americans while the Republicans are defending a cut on the top 5 percent. On taxes, in fact, the Republicans just may be sitting ducks. Of course, that doesn't mean the Democrats remember how to hunt."

[10:46:52 PM]     
Overall, it was a big day for cover-up artist resignations. Kissinger and Cardinal Law, both. That's a lot of cover-ups in need of new "commanders".

This is well-balanced, because O'Neill and Lindsey were fired for *not* covering up.

You might say the Universe is in harmony this week.

[7:07:38 PM]     
Richard Secord: Republican Corporate Criminal of the day!

Of course Secord is a Bush loyalist, so it's even better than that.

Yes, more insider trading -- cashed out the day before the stock tanked. Heh, heh. Could he have heard from a little birdy that the FDA wouldn't approve his product? Tweety tweet!

[7:03:11 PM]     
"California paid $27 billion for electricity in 2000, the worst year in its power crisis. The 2000 bill was nearly four times as much as power cost in 1999."

The Republican Corporate Criminal in charge of preventing any compensation to California said we were charged $1.2 billion too much. Ha ha. Looks to me like it's more like $20 billion.

I want punitive damages, too. And debtors prison for any Republican Corporate Criminals who can't pay up.

[6:54:55 PM]     
Ya gotta take what you can get.

HAPPY DAY to have Kissinger off the cover-up panel. We still want him in jail for the rest of his life, but this is a step ahead.

Next question: who will Bush appoint now? It has to be someone *even* worse than Kissinger, or it will look like yet another lost battle for the Bush-Master.

[10:37:37 AM]     
You know, if Jesse Helms says it's OK for Trent Lott to be a racist bastard, I guess that's good enough for me. licentious radio hereby withdraws it's call for Lott's resignation.

[10:10:30 AM]     
Let's see. Powerful Democratic Senators were targeted for assassination. General Ashcroft's FBI quickly ordered the destruction of evidence. More than a year later, they still play the feeble "person of interest" card as if investigating the wrong person is sufficient.

There's a murderer on the loose. General Ashcroft should have his head handed to him on a plate.

You know what? This is why Daschle should give up a leadership role. We need a leader who would have lit Ashcroft's pants on fire until the murderer was found and convicted, even if it was another friend of Neil Bush's. And whoever ordered the destruction of evidence (anthrax samples) should be identified publicly and prosecuted.

It's time for some freaking accountability.

[9:56:24 AM]     
"Sharon will bring peace and security."

Ha ha ha.

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Last update: 1/1/03; 12:40:24 PM.