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Day level permalink February 3, 2003

eBay Pulls Shuttle Debris Offerings From Site - Ebay removed several items billed as debris from the space shuttle Columbia from its Web site Saturday.
eBay spokesman Kevin Pursglove told The Associated Press that customer service representatives received listings from people purporting to have found debris in Texas.
The listings were immediately pulled from the online auction site, and executives may report the sellers to federal authorities.
Pursglove said that many of the items listed likely were pranks.
"Over the years we have learned to keep an eye out for individuals who might want to list items once a tragic event has occurred, the best example being pieces of the World Trade Center and Pentagon," Pursglove said.
7:12:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

Investors Group warns client information stolen
The Globe and Mail - The personal financial information of up to 750,000 clients of financial services giant Investors Group Inc. was on a computer hard drive stolen from a Regina data management firm last month.
The Winnipeg company, which has $38-billion in assets under management, is the latest firm to be notified by ISM Canada that client data was contained on a hard drive that went missing on Jan. 16 and is presumed stolen.
7:04:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

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