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Day level permalink February 28, 2003

George W. Bush feels that the war in Iraq might have the added dividend of peace between the Palestinians and Israelis.  How can that be? 

Well,  it is reported in the Tehran Times  (that's Tehran, Iran) that in Saddams latest move to stay in power,  his chief spy went to Israel. 

In a meeting between the Iraqi chief spy and a son of Israel's Ariel Sharon, Saddam sent the following message to the Israelis: If Israel convinced the United States not to attack Iraq, as a quid pro quo Iraq will officially apologize to Israel for supporting the Palestinians; Iraq will accommodate two million Palestinians and will grant them Iraqi nationality; and Iraq will supply 350,000 barrels of oil to Israel every day. The Israelis told the Iraq chief spy that they will respond after the elections.

Although this looks like a good deal for Israel, it is a rumour only the Tehran Times could believe.  Would two million Palestinians actually go? I am sure of one thing, that would be two million more Palestinians that Iran would like to have as neighbours.

10:36:24 AM  Item-level permalink    

In the wee hours of Feb. 12, two Harvard students knocked down and broke apart a nine-foot-high snow-and-ice sculpture, erected hours earlier by members of Harvard's crew team, that bore a strong resemblance to a certain part of the male anatomy.

Instapundit askes if that act of anti-male vandalism, accompanied with public statements about the inherent evil of male genitalia by university employees might create a "hostile environment" that would support a lawsuit for sex discrimination.

Good question.

10:17:31 AM  Item-level permalink    

Special prosecutor on Internet crime
Edmonton Sun, Canada - ... Steven Bilodeau will fill the role as the technology and Internet crime co-ordinator in Alberta - the first province in Canada to appoint a full-time prosecutor committed to criminal cases involving technology or the Internet.
7:00:41 AM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Canada president outlines worldwide research, spending
CBC News, Canada - Microsoft will spend $8 billion worldwide this year on research and development, the company's head of Canadian operations told local business leaders Wednesday.
The money will go toward projects such as designing devices allowing users to scribble notes and chat with others at the office without worrying about a hacker or virus, said Frank Clegg, president of Microsoft Canada Co. "The challenge is that the hackers are getting the same access to technology that we are," said Clegg after a Vancouver Board of Trade conference.
6:57:24 AM  Item-level permalink    

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