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Day level permalink February 11, 2003

Purported message from Osama bin Laden calls on Muslims to show solidarity against U.S.-led military action in Iraq.

Purported message from Saddam Hussien to Osama Bin Laden "You're not helping...."

2:55:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

From Voice from the Commonwealth quoting the UN Foundation :
31 Palestinian women (mostly under the age of 18) were murdered in so-called honor killings last year.
The victims, most of whom were under the age of 18, were killed by family members for perceived sexual misconduct that brought shame to the family, although in most cases the girls had been sexually abused or raped by relatives.
According to Social Welfare Ministry officials and women's organizations, there has been a significant rise in violence against women and cases of incest in recent months. The ministry is working to open shelters for victims of violence and sexual abuse.

11:19:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

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