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Day level permalink February 5, 2003

From "opinionjournal" : "Force 17, Yasser Arafat's Presidential Guard, has forced 55 Palestinian families out of their homes in the Gaza Strip under the pretext that they are sitting on land whose ownership is at the center of a legal dispute between two wealthy businessmen," the Jerusalem Post reports. When Israel destroyed the homes of terrorists, "human rights" advocates everywhere shrieked in horror. Here's what they've said so far about the Force 17 action: .
4:31:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

Survey: Girls more easily addicted
CNN - Girls and young women are more easily addicted to drugs and alcohol, have different reasons than boys for abusing substances and may need single-sex treatment programs to beat back their addictions, according to a study released Wednesday.
1:46:13 PM  Item-level permalink    

NC congressman says internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II
San Francisco Chronicle, CA - A congressman who heads a homeland security subcommittee said on a radio call-in program that he agreed with the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

"For many of these Japanese-Americans, it wasn't safe for them to be on the street."

Someone needs to consider internment for this guy, I don't think it is safe for him to be on the street.  Perhaps he can bunk with Trent Lott.

1:10:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

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