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Day level permalink February 25, 2003

Consumer Confidence Falls to 9-Year Low
New York Times - Consumer confidence plunged in February to its lowest level in more than nine years, the Conference Board reported today, as concerns about a war with Iraq, rising energy prices and jobs took a toll on attitudes.

Now who do we blame?  Clinton?  Saddam Hussien?  Osama?  Can't be Bush and the Republicans.

7:40:17 PM  Item-level permalink    

Iraq 'will not destroy Samoud 2 missiles'
Guardian - The Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, has indicated that he will disobey UN orders to destroy his Samoud 2 missiles, in excerpts from an interview with a US TV network being aired today.
In footage taken from a three-hour interview held in Baghdad, CBS television also quoted President Saddam as proposing that the US president, George Bush, hold a live television debate with him.
The excerpts show the Iraqi leader scorning an order from the UN chief weapons inspector, Hans Blix, to begin destroying the Samoud 2 system by the end of the week.
7:34:59 PM  Item-level permalink    

Sun Launching 'Project Orion' - Sun Microsystems today outlined a new software strategy it says will streamline the way customers get the company's platforms.
7:29:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

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