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Day level permalink February 13, 2003

Government warns 'patriot hackers'
CNN - Real patriots don't hack. Uncle Sam says only he can do that.
The FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center warned Wednesday that growing tensions between the United States and Iraq could lead to an increase in global computer hacking activities on both sides.
"Regardless of the motivation, the NIPC reiterates such activity is illegal and punishable as a felony," the agency warns on its Web site. "The U.S. government does not condone so-called 'patriot hacking' on its behalf.
11:57:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

Report finds Enron aggressively bent tax code
Reuters - Once high-flying Enron Corp. aggressively manipulated the tax code so that it paid no federal income taxes from 1996 through 1999, a report by congressional investigators released on Thursday showed.
11:56:04 AM  Item-level permalink    

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