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Day level permalink February 12, 2003

From Instapundit:


THE chief United Nations weapons inspector will report tomorrow that Iraq has been developing a ballistic missile that is in clear violation of UN restrictions.
The discovery of a banned weapons system on the eve of Hans Blix’s crucial presentation is tantamount to the inspectors finding a “smoking gun” — even though it was declared by Iraq to the UN as a legal programme.

Diplomats said the announcement would strengthen London and Washington’s case that Iraq was in “material breach” of UN demands and help the two allies to win support within the Security Council for a new resolution authorising the use of force.

The finding is also certain to provoke a confrontation when inspectors ask the Iraqi armed forces to surrender the banned missiles for destruction just as the country is preparing for an American attack. . . .

Before making a final decision on whether the missiles contravened UN rules, Dr Blix convened a meeting of outside missile experts from Britain, China, France, Ukraine, Germany and the US on Monday and Tuesday. Diplomatic sources said that those experts determined that the al-Samoud 2 exceeded the 150km range, but that the capability of the al-Fatah remained an “open question”.

The experts also judged Iraq to be in violation of UN rules for repairing banned casting chambers for making illegal missiles and for building a new test stand that can test missile engines five times above the permitted thrust.

These things just keep turning up.

UPDATE: This Reuters story says that Russia and Iraq are calling this a mere technicality.

It also says that "In connection with the missiles, Iraq had imported 380 rocket engines, chemicals used in propellants, test instrumentation and guidance and control instruments -- all forbidden under 12-year-old U.N. sanctions imposed after Baghdad invaded neighboring Kuwait, the U.N. arms experts reported."

The story neglects to mention the source of these illegally imported rocket engines, chemicals, etc. I have a suspicion, though. . . .

10:19:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

It is all about spin, you can believe this:

Belgian court rejects Sharon war crimes trial
Toronto Star, Canada - BRUSSELS (AP) — The Belgian Supreme Court today threw out an appeal by a group of Palestinians to try Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for war crimes over a 1982 massacre in Lebanese refugee camps.

Or you can turn it around and think:

Belgium asserts right to try Sharon
Guardian, UK - Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, can be tried for genocide in Belgium once he has left office, the Belgian appeal court ruled last night.

Can both stories be true?  Well, when Ariel Sharon  leaves office, AND retires to Belgium the court will be happy to look at this again.  Until then it is moot.

9:59:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

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