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Day level permalink February 18, 2003

If you search for educated, Islamic voices on the net, you will find no better than Dr. Muqtedar Khan

Let me tell you that I would rather live in America under Ashcroft and Bush at their worst, than in any “Islamic state” established by ignorant, intolerant and murderous punks like you and Mullah Omar at their best. The US, patriot act not withstanding is still a more Islamic (just and tolerant) state than Afghanistan ever was under the Taliban.

The good doctor opposes the war with Iraq.  This is a good read.

1:13:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

False memories can be planted under interrogation according to US scientists.
Independent - Scientists have planted false memories into people's minds in a study that demonstrates just how easy it is to for police to convince people they have witnessed something that did not actually happen.
More than a third of people are susceptible to false memories, according to studies by Elizabeth Loftus, professor of psychology at the University of California. Her experiments could explain why so many people in Washington DC said they saw a white van near to the scene of last year's sniper shootings. In fact, the snipers used a dark Chevrolet Caprice and no white van was involved.
12:08:38 PM  Item-level permalink    

Girl gravely ill in US after receiving organs with wrong blood type
Ananova - A Mexican teenager is critically ill in the US after receiving a new heart and lungs with the wrong blood type.
12:06:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

UN: War Crimes Tribunal Welcomes Seselj's Surrender
Radio Free Europe - The chief prosecutor of the United Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Carla Del Ponte, is welcoming the decision by Serbian nationalist leader Vojislav Seselj -- recently indicted by the tribunal -- to turn himself in for trial.
12:05:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Alzheimer's studies cite fats, antioxidants
Boston Globe - Some dietary fats might help prevent Alzheimer's disease, others may increase the risk, and - contrary to some reports - antioxidant vitamins may have no effect on the mind-robbing ailment, two studies suggest.
12:04:32 PM  Item-level permalink    

Gartner: PC sales looking up for 2003
CNET - Despite economic uncertainty, the PC market will post a modest increase in unit shipments during 2003, according to a new report by Gartner Dataquest.
12:00:48 PM  Item-level permalink    

US draws up new Iraq resolution
BBC - Washington is working on a second United Nations resolution on Iraq and may unveil it before the end of this week, the White House has announced.
11:59:42 AM  Item-level permalink    

News analysis: Chirac's outburst exposes contradiction within EU
International Herald Tribune - PARIS President Jacques Chirac's warning to the new Europeans of EU and NATO enlargement that they cannot side too much with America and fit his definition of membership in the family of Europe has exposed, with an outburst of pure rage, a profound, long-term contradiction that could tear the EU apart from within.
11:58:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

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