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Day level permalink February 26, 2003

Video tape of Columbia crew found
ABC Online - NASA says a video made by the seven astronauts on the shuttle Columbia shortly before it broke up has been found.
4:19:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Four Charged in Sending Millions to Iraq
Austin American Statesman - Four Arab men were indicted Wednesday on federal charges they illegally sent at least $4 million to Iraq through a Syracuse-area charity called Help the Needy.
4:15:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

Frequent drinking cuts heart attack risk
New Scientist - Half an alcoholic drink every other day, be it wine, whisky or beer, can reduce the risk of heart attacks by a third, a new study shows.
4:11:55 PM  Item-level permalink    

Engineers Raised Columbia Wing Concerns
ABC News -  One day before the Columbia disaster, senior NASA engineers raised concerns the shuttle's left wing might burn off and cause the deaths of the crew, describing a scenario much like the one investigators believe happened. They never sent their warnings to NASA's brass.
4:01:52 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft makes P2P play
BusinessWeek - Microsoft Wednesday introduced additions to Windows XP designed to make the operating system better tuned for peer-to-peer applications.

Peer-to-peer applications, popularized by file-swapping services such as Napster and Kazaa, allow individual desktop PC users to share information directly, instead of going through a centralized server to disseminate data.

With the planned APIs, Windows XP will allow devices on a peer network to find and interact with each other automatically.
12:48:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

Net music gets AOL audition
News.Com - Legal online music services began their biggest test Wednesday, as America Online launched a long-awaited paid-subscription music plan aimed at competing with free services such as Kazaa.
For $3.95 a month, subscribers will be able to download 20 songs and listen to 20 streams. An $8.95 tier will provide access to unlimited downloads and unlimited streams. For $17.95, subscribers will keep the unlimited access, but be able to burn 10 songs per month to CD.
However, this is tied directly to AOL memberships, and searching and downloading content can be done only while logged into AOL.
12:43:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

Preparing For-Fee Relaunch
KITV, HI - It's sort of like John Dillinger putting money in a bank. Napster is going legal.
12:39:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

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