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Day level permalink March 1, 2003

Al-Qaida-Linked Man Killed in Lebanon
ABC News - An Egyptian man with purported links to al-Qaida was killed Saturday in a bomb explosion at Lebanon's largest Palestinian refugee camp.

Lebanon (ie Syria) forces thier brothers and sisters to live in 'refugee camps'?  Was the Egyptian man a refugee?

11:03:15 AM  Item-level permalink    

CBC News

Iraq Starts Destroying Some Missiles
Washington Post - Iraq destroyed four Al Samoud 2 missiles Saturday and agreed with the United Nations on a timetable to dismantle the rest of the missile program, Iraqi officials said. U.N.

The Blink that was seen around the world.

10:50:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

Would Saddam's exile avert war?
BBC - The United Arab Emirates has made the first official call for Saddam Hussein to go into exile in an attempt to avert a US-led war.
10:45:15 AM  Item-level permalink    

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