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Day level permalink March 20, 2003



Home front quiet as war starts
BBC - Americans woke up to find they were at war with Iraq, after a surprise missile strike aimed at Saddam Hussein himself.

Muslims cheer, fear start of Iraq war
Newsday - Rahim Al-Mubalik was overjoyed when he heard the news that United States troops had unleashed cruise missiles in an attack on Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and his ruling circle.

"They need to get him," the former Iraqi resident said as he walked along the city's heavily Arab-American business district Thursday morning. "America is the greatest! We all hate him."

US Marines Cross Kuwait Border Into Iraq-Officials
Washington Post, DC - Units of the U.S Marine 1st Expeditionary Force have crossed from Kuwait into southern Iraq to begin securing positions for a thrust northward by U.S. and British troops massed in Kuwait near the border - U.S. officials

9:56:41 AM  Item-level permalink    

Binge eating can be blamed on a defective gene
The Age - Binge eating can be traced to a gene, researchers say, in a sharp departure from the long-accepted idea that it is due to a psychological disturbance.
9:55:30 AM  Item-level permalink    

Researchers Identify Signals That Cause Hair Follicles To Sprout
Science Daily - The delicate interplay of two chemical signals coaxes stem cells into becoming hair follicles, according to new research by scientists at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at The Rockefeller University.
9:36:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

US forces count on high-tech tools
The Globe and Mail, Canada - Add a laser pointer to his rifle and the soldier becomes even deadlier to an enemy blind in the dark.

Troops travelling in tanks or armoured vehicles will guide themselves by satellite, using global positioning tools and, in some cases, software "radios" that display friendly vehicles with blue icons and Iraqis in red.

9:35:47 AM  Item-level permalink    

The Inquirer
Bill Gates and Microsoft's Mobile Computing Manifesto - Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates committed to "significant" investments in mobility platforms during a keynote kick-off for the Microsoft Mobility Developers conference.
9:29:08 AM  Item-level permalink    

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