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Day level permalink March 16, 2003

Pop career for bin Laden niece
The Observer - Her uncle might be the most feared terrorist in the world, but Osama bin Laden's niece is about to try and take the world of pop music by storm.
Waffa bin Laden, whose father Yeslam is the brother of the world's most wanted man, aims to release a single by the end of the year.
The 26-year old, who has been described as a Natalie Imbruglia lookalike, is rumoured to be working with one of Madonna's producers.
9:24:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bush's Political Future Hinges on a Quick War
Washington Post -  President Bush, firmly resisting entreaties from U.N. Security Council members to extend weapons inspections in Iraq, is under political pressure to finish the looming war quickly, strategists in both parties said.
As the White House called yesterday for a summit in the Azores on Sunday amid signs war could begin soon without U.N. action, the administration's position is that Bush's firm determination to oppose further delays is driven by concerns about the threat Iraqi President Saddam Hussein poses to the United States. But Republican and Democratic pollsters, economists and operatives said part of the urgency for Bush is tied to his political standing at home. They said the uncertainty related to the war is depressing consumer confidence and postponing the sort of robust economic recovery Bush will need to win reelection.
9:20:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Little Sleep Impairs Mind as Much as No Sleep
Reuters - Many nights of little sleep--fewer than six hours a night--can impair mental performance as much as not getting a wink for two nights in a row, new research shows.
9:16:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

Birth of AIDS drug is 10-year tale
Raleigh News - The Food and Drug Administration's approval Thursday of the AIDS drug Fuzeon marks the end of a 10-year odyssey for Trimeris, the drug's developer, and a coming of age for the Triangle's biotechnology industry.
9:14:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bush Says Monday Will Be 'a Moment of Truth' on Iraq
Washington Post -  President Bush ended an hour-long summit in the Azores today by giving the United Nations a deadline of 24 hours to act on a resolution authorizing war with Iraq, marking an abrupt end to six months of feverish but failing diplomacy.
9:11:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

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