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Day level permalink March 10, 2003

How mobile phones and an £18m bribe trapped 9/11 mastermind
Guardian - The electronic surveillance network Echelon played a key role in the capture of the alleged September 11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, it was reported yesterday - as did a $27m ( 18m) payment to an "al-Qaida foot soldier", who may be planning to relocate to Britain.
The new details of the arrest were emerging as Pakistan's main intelligence agency held an unprecedented briefing on the capture for foreign journalists in Islamabad.
10:06:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Drug may take 'life-threatening' out of peanut allergy
Toronto Star - For the first time, there appears to be hope that science has found a way to reduce the impact of peanut allergies, the most life-threatening of food allergies.
10:03:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

Recent worms punish bad passwords
MSNBC - A spike in Internet traffic caused by a worm over the weekend can be largely blamed on bad passwords and poor security practices, said security experts on Monday. The Deloder worm, which spreads by communicating with Windows computers that have file sharing enabled, may have spread to perhaps as many as 10,000 systems using a list of 86 passwords to break into computers running Microsoft Windows NT, 2000 and XP.
10:02:32 PM  Item-level permalink    

Iraq situation at a glance
United Press International -UN Security Council vote, possibly Tuesday, on a resolution introduced by Britain and supported by the United States giving Iraq until March 17 to fully comply with UN Resolution 1441, or face war.
10:00:42 PM  Item-level permalink    

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