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Day level permalink March 29, 2003

Al Qaeda Ready to Join Fight Near Basra
FoxNews - Al Qaeda fighters may be in southern Iraq, coordinating grenade and gun attacks on British forces in a town near Basra, it was reported last night.
British troops were believed to be planning a military strike on the Al Qaeda hideout, the newspaper said. If the prisoners’ reports are true, they may provide a concrete link between Saddam Hussein’s regime and the terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center.
9:58:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

Swedes detain Ganda worm suspect, UK - Swedish police have detained a man suspected of writing the Ganda worm, which played on public interest in the current Iraq conflict to spread a dangerous
9:22:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

House votes on Net porn
CNET - The US House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to ban pornographic Internet sites with misleading addresses and computer-generated child pornography.
9:20:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

Sun's Linux distro is dead
The Register - Sun Microsystems' branded Linux distribution has been extinguished before it ever even caught a light.
9:20:00 PM  Item-level permalink    

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