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Day level permalink March 27, 2003

Civilian Casualties

As we read about civilians dead and wounded we need to keep in mind that a low estimate of the number of Iraq citizens killed by Saddam in the last 30 years is 1 million.

That means about 640 men, women and children every week.  If, after a week, this effort might be able to point to 350 civilians dead, that would mean 290 people who were saved.

Silly math I know, but stopping the number one cause of death in Iraq can't be bad.


2:30:59 PM  Item-level permalink    

NT4.0 too flawed to fix - official
The Register - Although a denial of service risk exists in an "important" security vulnerability, publicised yesterday affecting NT 4.0, Redmond tells users not to expect a patch for that operating system anytime soon.
12:57:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

US Navy jets lurk in Iraqi skies , waiting
Reuters AlertNet -In the skies obove Iraq a stack of US fighter jets circle with their loads of precision-guided bombs, waiting to be called in by a soldier or a Marine in a tight spot down below.
8:43:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

Al-Jazeera hobbled by DDOS attack
InfoWorld, CA - The Arab satellite television network Al-Jazeera suffered a second day of sustained distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks against its English and Arabic language Web sites on Wednesday.
6:33:36 AM  Item-level permalink    

'Iraq war' virus suspect detained
The Register, UK - Investigators in Sweden have questioned an unnamed person on suspicion of writing the Ganda worm, according to local reports.

The worm, which posed as a screensaver offering spy satellite photographs of Iraq, caused concern when it began to spread, albeit modestly, last week. 
6:08:50 AM  Item-level permalink    

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