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Day level permalink March 12, 2003

Yahoo! Rolls Out New Anti-Spam Features - Yahoo! announced Tuesday the rollout of strengthened spam-fighting capabilities for its e-mail users, who the company said could see as much as 40 percent less spam.
4:48:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Swiss to Name Mobile Phone Users After Qaeda Link
Reuters - The Swiss parliament banned anonymous pre-paid chips for mobile telephones on Wednesday after intelligence warnings that members of al Qaeda were using them to make calls without being traced.
4:46:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

SCO lawsuit could end in IBM buyout
VNUNet -SCO's $1bn lawsuit against IBM over its use of the SCO-licensed Unix™ code could be an attempt by SCO to get IBM to buy it out, according to analyst Ovum.
4:43:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

Sun rises in NT education
News Interactive - THE temperature is rising between Sun Microsystems and Microsoft in the battle for the hearts and minds of desktop software users.
4:41:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

MSN Messenger 5.0 adds camera, action
InfoWorld - Microsoft has added webcam functionality to its MSN Messenger 5.0 client, allowing users to stream and view live video via instant messages.
4:40:13 PM  Item-level permalink    

Latest CodeRed variant lacks built in obsolescence
The Register - Eighteen months after Code Red wormed its way through insecure Microsoft IIS Web Servers, yet another variant has found its way onto the Internet.
4:33:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

World's first brain prosthesis revealed
New Scientist - The world's first brain prosthesis - an artificial hippocampus - is about to be tested in California. Unlike devices like cochlear implants, which merely stimulate brain activity, this silicon chip implant will perform the same processes
4:33:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Passive smoke 'ruins child teeth'
BBC - Children growing up in a house filled with cigarette smoke are likely to need more visits to the dentist, say researchers.
4:33:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

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