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Day level permalink March 3, 2003

New evidence of $7.5B power swindle - A coalition of California government agencies and the state's two largest utilities on Monday submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) what it called "compelling new evidence" that electricity generating companies, power traders and municipal power entities withheld significant amounts of electricity, engaged in collusion and pervasive Enron-type market manipulation, and should be compelled to return $7.5 billion in profits to the state.
12:43:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

Documents, reports to offer sweeping view of how complaints were handled
Portsmouth Herald - With 9,000 pages of church documents and a report containing details of the cases against eight priests, the state attorney general’s office plans to lay out how New Hampshire’s Roman Catholic hierarchy mishandled sex abuse accusations for decades
12:41:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

Antivirus firm takes on spam - Antivirus company Trend Micro is jumping into the spam-fighting fray, unveiling new software it hopes will help information technology managers protect their workers from an increasing barrage of unwanted messages.
12:24:32 PM  Item-level permalink    

CNN Asia

Q&A: Quizzing al-Qaeda's 'kingpin'
BBC - As questioning of al-Qaeda "kingpin" Khalid Sheikh Mohammed continues, BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner looks at some of the key issues following his arrest.

12:23:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

Al-Qaida Suspects Being Questioned in Pakistan
Voice of America - Pakistan says the suspected mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, and the two people captured with him are being
11:06:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

DVD Jon faces summer retrial
The Register - Norwegian teenager, Jon Lech Johansen, is to be tried again by an appeal court this summer despite being cleared of cyber piracy crimes earlier this year, his lawyer confirmed last Friday.
11:04:31 AM  Item-level permalink    

Lindows vs. Windows: Court Battle Delayed
PC World - A federal court has ordered Microsoft to produce more than 300 boxes of evidence to support its claims in a trademark suit against software startup, pushing back the jury trial in the case from April until December.
11:03:38 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israel captures Hamas founder
BBC - Israeli troops have arrested a founder member of the Islamic militant group Hamas during an incursion into the Gaza Strip.
11:02:54 AM  Item-level permalink    

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