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Day level permalink March 8, 2003

A Real Hollywood Horror Story
Businessweek - New technologies may do to movies what MP3 did to music.
Picture a fellow named George sitting in his living room on Sunday evening. He's watching a digital playback of the latest episode of The West Wing. Zapping through commercials, he starts yawning and decides to finish watching it in bed. With a flick of his remote, he wirelessly dispatches the show to the bedroom TV. He also sends a copy via the Internet to his sister and asks her in an e-mail to make a DVD of the show to pass along to their mom.
6:34:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

PLO Central Council Approves Arafat Choice For PM
Islam Online, UK - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat repeated his offer to Mahmud Abbas,known as Abu Mazen, to become the first Palestinian Premier.
1:55:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

Law to Bar Web Porn To Children Overruled
Washington Post - A federal appeals court has ruled that a law meant to safeguard children against Internet pornography is riddled with problems that make it "constitutionally infirm."
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit ruled Thursday that the Child Online Protection Act restricted free speech by barring Web page operators from posting information inappropriate for minors unless they limited the site to adults. The ruling upheld an injunction blocking the government from enforcing the law.
1:52:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israel Kills Hamas Leader
Washington Post -  Four Israeli attack helicopters swooped down on a crowded neighborhood in the Gaza Strip early today and fired missiles at a car carrying a top leader of the militant Islamic Resistance Movement, killing him and three bodyguards.

I guess bodyguards don't really help against missiles.

1:49:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

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