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Day level permalink March 4, 2003

A Hero? Looks like 'Bubba' rousted out of bed for a COPs episode.
'Al-Qaeda brain' praised as hero
BBC - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - the alleged al-Qaeda mastermind arrested last weekend in Pakistan - is a "hero of Islam", Pakistan's largest Islamic party has said.

9:35:21 PM  Item-level permalink    

Tech Firms, Government Get Friendly Over Sendmail
Washington Post - The US government and the technology industry have passed an important test of whether they can work together to protect the nation's online infrastructure from hackers and other enemies, computer security experts said.
9:08:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Amazon Delves Into Domain Names
PC World - may soon be selling domain names along with its cache of books, music, clothing, and other sundry offerings.
11:45:05 AM  Item-level permalink    

Email security flaw triggers global worm watch
New Scientist - A critical security flaw in the internet's most widely-used email relay program, Sendmail, has sparked a worldwide race to patch servers before malicious hackers can mount attacks.
11:44:05 AM  Item-level permalink    

How al-Qaeda 'chief' was caught
BBC -The arrest in Pakistan of alleged terror mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed came after a series of near misses, US and Pakistani intelligence officials say.
11:42:32 AM  Item-level permalink    

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