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Day level permalink March 19, 2003

Saddam's troops fire the first shots of the conflict
Independent, UK - Two Iraqi helicopters fired machine guns and rockets into three Kurdish villages on the front line north of Kirkuk yesterday, in the first shots intended to kill in the coming war.
''There were two of them, one an attack helicopter and the other normally used for transport, attacking the villages where people herding cattle live," Mohammed Fateh, a local Kurdish military commander, said.
2:32:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

EU welcomes nomination of Palestinian PM
Deutsche Welle - The European Union's foreign policy chief Javier Solana on Wednesday welcomed President Yasser Arafat's invitation to Mahmud Abbas to become the first Palestinian prime minister.

Other than the fact the Mr. Abbas is still a Holocaust denier not interested in peace....

1:01:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

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