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Day level permalink March 23, 2003

I was a naive fool to be a human shield for Saddam
Telegraph - Daniel Pepper confesses. An Iraqi Taxi driver convinced him.

The driver's most emphatic statement was: "All Iraqi people want this war." He seemed convinced that civilian casualties would be small; he had such enormous faith in the American war machine to follow through on its promises. Certainly more faith than any of us had.

See more of this kind of wake up to reality here.

6:11:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

Hundreds rally in support of war
Newsday - A day after an anti-war march down Broadway attracted more than 100000 people, hundreds of New Yorkers gathered in Times Square and on Staten Island on Sunday to show support for the US-led campaign in Iraq.
5:55:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bodies of US Soldiers Indicate Possible Execution, say US officials
Voice of America - Defense officials say the bodies of what may be American soldiers shown in a controversial Arab television broadcast have wounds indicating they were probably executed.
5:51:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

Geneva Convention prohibits filming POWs
United Press International -  The release of a videotape of the interrogation of US prisoners of war in Iraq violates the Geneva Convention, US government officials and the human rights group Amnesty International said (today).

OK, now you are in trouble Saddam, you just pissed off Amnesty International.

5:50:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

US captures Iraqi chemical-weapons plant
WorldNetDaily - U.S. forces have uncovered an illegal chemical-weapons plant in An Najaf, some 90 miles south of Baghdad.

At the same time the French are sending a Chemical Unit to QATAR.  Maybe the Americans need some one to read the french labels?

5:48:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

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