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Day level permalink February 23, 2003

Cancer cure a fraud, US says - An Okanagan-based company that claims its treatment can kill cancer cells is facing charges after a year-long undercover investigation by the US Federal Trade Commission.
10:08:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

Mom-To-Be's High Coffee Intake Linked to Stillbirth
Reuters -  Pregnant women who drink eight or more cups of coffee a day may triple their risk for having a stillborn child, scientists in Denmark announced Friday.


10:07:17 AM  Item-level permalink    

AOL, Microsoft Unleash Lawyers On Spammers - American Online and Microsoft are sending lawyers after spammers, with AOL seeking tough anti-spam legislation and Microsoft filing a lawsuit against unnamed defendants.
AOL and Microsoft are seeking stiff jail sentences for spammers who misrepresent themselves.
In a message to its members, AOL said on Thursday, "We are outraged that our kids are being exposed to vile porn spam online. We are fed up with spam and we HATE it as much as you do!" The company added, "At AOL, we believe the most egregious spammers shouldn't be staring at computer screens, they should be staring at jail bars."

Microsoft, meanwhile, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court last week against unnamed defendants accused of harvesting e-mail addresses from its Hotmail servers with the intention of spamming subscribers. The "John Doe" suit allows Microsoft to conduct discovery in the case, including issuing subpoenas.
10:05:26 AM  Item-level permalink    

Problems defects plagued Columbia's space missions
Boston Globe - For years before it broke apart in the skies over Texas, the space shuttle Columbia was beset by recurring problems, glitches, and close calls.
10:03:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

Allies rally behind Bush on Iraq
BBC - The United States and three of its staunchest allies are preparing to launch a diplomatic drive to secure the UN Security Council votes needed to pass a new resolution against Iraq.
10:01:48 AM  Item-level permalink    

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