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Day level permalink February 6, 2003

There seems to be many who feel that at least one reason for the reluctance of the French to support Bush in the war against Iraq is the presence of Muslim immigrants in France.  Some how it is ok to say that Muslims are controling the french government, but it is racisim to say that the jews control the United States government.

I don't think so.  It is all about money.  France provided Iraq the Nuclear Reactor in 1980.  I suspect there is a real relationship that probably even included some missle part and other arms.  Maybe even recently.  We will not know the whole truth until we evict Saddam and go through his desk.  That is what the French Government doesn't want.  That is why they will never support this war.   Oh well.

10:12:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

You might remember the congressman who heads a homeland security subcommittee, and has the interesting view on internment.  Well, his name is Howard Coble and he is from the same state as Rep. Sue Myrick who, in talking last week about domestic security threats, referred to Arab-Americans by saying, "Look at who runs all the convenience stores across the country?" 

I ask you, do these people have no clue about what they are saying?

9:28:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

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