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Day level permalink February 27, 2003

Can AOL, Napster Make Music Downloads Legit?
Online Journalism Review - A Napster revival with a paid service? AOL pushing legitimate music downloads? What do these two widely reported stories have in common (other than their lack of hard news)? It must be the week when the music-stealing public finally has its chance for redemption.
8:49:05 PM  Item-level permalink    

Saddam's decision on missiles could guide UN's future path
International Herald Tribune -  Saddam Hussein faces a UN deadline Saturday on whether to begin eliminating his banned Al Samoud-2 missiles, and his decision will be a defining moment in the Security Council debate about how to proceed in disarming Iraq...

This is so obvious.  Who expects Saddam to dissarm just as he is looking down the barrel of US forces?

8:44:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

Children's Show Host Mr. Rogers Dies
Voice of America - Fred Rogers, host of the US children's television show "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood" for more than 30 years, has died of cancer. He was 74. A family spokesman says Mr. Rogers passed away early Thursday at his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
7:59:04 AM  Item-level permalink    

Turkey to vote on US troops
BBC - Turkey's parliament is due to decide later on Thursday whether to back the deployment of US troops on its territory for a possible attack on Iraq.
7:57:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

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