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Day level permalink February 10, 2003

Moore's Law to roll on for another decade
BusinessWeek - Moore's Law will continue for another 10 years at least, but the industry will have to develop new transistors and materials, says Intel cofounder Gordon Moore.
7:37:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

Ontario woman shocked at Air India plea - An Ontario woman whose husband and daughter were killed in the 1985 Air India bombing reacted with outrage Monday after one of the accused pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to five years in jail.
7:23:53 PM  Item-level permalink    

Response by Diocese of Rockville Centre to Grand Jury report
Hartford Courant - The Suffolk County grand jury investigating the Diocese of Rockville Centre's handling of sexual abuse of minors by clergy gave its report to the media without any time for diocesan officials to review it.
7:20:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

Plea Deal for Muslim Charity Leader Linked to Al Qaeda
New York Times - The leader of one of American's biggest Muslim charities, depicted by federal prosecutors as one of Osama bin Laden's principal financiers, struck an 11th-hour plea agreement today without admitting any ties to Al Qaeda or terrorism.
7:19:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

NASA Identifies Edge of Columbia's Left Wing
ABC News - NASA officials said on Monday they have identified part of shuttle Columbia's left wing, a critical discovery because that is where heat spiked just before the spacecraft disintegrated on Feb. 1.
7:18:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

Dell Dude collared in marijuana bust
The Register - Ben Curtis, the 22-year actor who plays Steven, the Dell Guy in the TV ads, was arrested in New York at the weekend for marijuana possession. How long before the Winona Defence is wheeled into gear: I was only researching a part, your honour.

Oh is this gonna make the people at Apple and Gateway happy!  Can you believe the police officer not saying "Dude, you are getting busted"?

7:17:38 PM  Item-level permalink    

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