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Day level permalink May 2, 2003

In Custody
Newsweek - Another three top Iraqis were arrested Friday. At least one is believed to have important information about Iraq's weapons programs
9:29:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Apple music store starts strong - analysts
Forbes - Master showman and marketer extraordinaire Steve Jobs has about 250000 new reasons to be happy about Apple Computer, the company he co-founded in 1976 in his parents' California home.

That's the number of songs purchased and downloaded -- at 99 cents a pop -- on the first day of operation of Apple's online music store, according to record industry sources.

9:28:16 PM  Item-level permalink    

CANADA: BC court approves same-sex marriages
Vancouver Sun, Canada - Governments should change with the times and recognize gay marriage, the B.C. Appeal Court said Thursday when it joined two other provinces in clearing the way for same sex unions.
10:13:39 AM  Item-level permalink    

Campus file swappers to pay RIAA
CNet News - Four university students on Thursday agreed to pay thousands of dollars each to settle online music piracy charges, ending the record industry's most aggressive thrust yet against individual file swappers.
3:52:17 AM  Item-level permalink    

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