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Day level permalink May 13, 2003

Computer worm fails to fizzle out
New Scientist - Infections by a computer worm that travels via both email and file-sharing networks grew on Tuesday, according to anti-virus companies.

Details on the Worm are here.

Symantec Security Response has created a W32.HLLW.Fizzer Removal Tool.

2:27:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bergen: No question, attack was al Qaeda
CNN - Suicide bombings Monday night at three housing compounds in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, killed at least 20 people -- including seven Americans, the Saudi Interior Ministry said. Nine bombers also died. Government officials suspect the attacks were conducted by al Qaeda terrorists.

Why would al Qaeda still be bombing American interests in Saudi Arabia?  The Americans have already announced that they are leaving.  Could it be that it is not about the 'infidels' stationed in Mecca?  In fact it is not about that, or Palestinians.  Their only goal is nothing less than the conversion, by force if necessary, of the entire world to their warped version of Islam.  Even the family of Saud is not extreem enough.

10:27:31 AM  Item-level permalink    

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