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Day level permalink May 4, 2003

We are having a Provincial Election, June 3rd.  Brian Barkley was reviewing the websites of the local parties.  He thought it would be a good idea to talk about them when we talk (Monday morning at 7:40am) on the radio together.  I took a look at the three main party sites.

The New Democratic Party, the incumbent party has the slogan Much Accomplished. More to Do.  They even put it in the title of the website.  A really good idea if you want the search engines to find it.

The PC Party has mystified me.  They have posted the message "PC Caucus Website will return after the Manitoba General Election".   If the plan is really to just ignore the power of the web for getting information out during the election, then in my opinion they got some very bad advice.  The description in the code says, "The official PC Party web site is your source for information on our legacy and our future. Subscribe to News and receive e-mail from the Caucus" which is a very good idea, but the Manitoba site doesn't, at this time, actually allow you to do that.  I even went to the National PC Party Site, and the big story there is the Leadership convention May 29th.  The "breaking news" section didn't have the Provincial Election listed.  Someone tell me what they are thinking please?

They should give a good long look at the Liberal Party site.   Although the polls will reflect that they don't have a chance to win enough seats to lead the province, you wouldn't know that from the site they built.   A++

9:35:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

When the Food Workers Union stages an impromptu walkout at the U.N., the diplomats start looting for lunch and booze!
12:02:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

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