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Day level permalink May 14, 2003

SCO Throws Gauntlet on Linux, Suspends Sales - The SCO Group went on the warpath against Linux Wednesday, issuing a warning that "Linux is an unauthorized derivative of Unix and that legal liability for the use of Linux may extend to commercial users."
The company, which is pursuing a $1 billion lawsuit against IBM for allegedly improperly including SCO's Unix intellectual property in Linux, announced Monday that it has suspended all future sales of Linux "until the attendant risks with Linux are better understood and properly resolved."
3:58:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

"Buffalo Spammer" Charged In Fraud Case
Newsday - An upstate man known as the "Buffalo Spammer" has been charged with identity theft and other crimes , the state Attorney General's office said this morning.
1:00:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Arab Condemnations of Bombings Reflect Dominant US Role in Region
Washington Post - In the Islamic world, online commentators are condemning the bombings in Saudi Arabia that killed at least 29 people. Even in Web sites that strongly opposed the US-led war in Iraq there is outrage, along with strong feelings about the now-dominant role of the United States in the region. Several observers say that the attackers are aiming at nothing less than taking power in Saudi Arabia.
12:58:32 PM  Item-level permalink    

Two million songs sold for Apple
MacWorld - For the second time since the iTunes Music Store opened, Apple has released numbers telling consumers how many songs have been sold. After one week, the company sold over 1 million songs and now 16 days after the official opening of the store, over 2 million songs have been sold.
12:55:42 PM  Item-level permalink    

IRC Networks Unite in Fight Against Fizzer Worm
Slashdot - Dave writes "Over the past few days, IRC Networks across the internet have felt the brunt of the Fizzer worm. In an unusual display of geek solidarity, representatives from dozens of IRC Networks, including EFNet, IRCNet and DALnet, have gathered to create a Fizzer Task Force. Interesting, and mostly productive results have occurred so far from such a meeting of the IRC minds."
10:22:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

E3: Let the games begin
CNET - Sony invades Nintendo's turf with the launch of a handheld player, as the video game industry jostles for position through product releases and price cuts. Plus: Xbox gets into the groove.
10:19:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

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