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Day level permalink May 8, 2003

Comcast losing money, but stops losing subscribers
Wichita Eagle, KS - PHILADELPHIA - Comcast Corp., the nation's largest cable company, lost $297 million or 13 cents per share despite rising revenues in the first quarter, the company reported Thursday.
9:25:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

Pentagon probes ' bioweapons lab '
MSNBC - US forces recovered the suspected mobile biological weapons facility in northern Iraq in late April.
8:50:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

Last Captives From Iran War Stunned by Hussein's Ouster
Washington Post - They are as thin as scarecrows, men shrunk by beatings, the last of the last Iraqi prisoners from the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war. On their arrival Monday night in Baghdad for a repatriation without fanfare, they said they could not believe their eyes. American tanks on the streets? Saddam Hussein toppled from power?

These guys would think Guantanamo Bay was a resort in comparison.

"Hassan's hands trembled so severely that he could not light a cigarette without help from a comrade. He said he was tortured routinely -- forced to squat for hours, beaten with lengths of cable and rope, shocked by car batteries and had what he thinks was dirty water injected with a syringe into his penis."

2:11:38 AM  Item-level permalink    

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