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Day level permalink May 9, 2003

For many in Montana, the right to drink and drive is central to their way of life. The latest attempt to outlaw the practice is voted down. - LA Times
3:19:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

CANADA: Tory's anti-gay rant 'venomous' - A veteran Tory MP is under fire for her "venomous homophobic rants" condemning gay pride and same-sex marriage.
During a heated debate over same-sex marriage in the House of Commons yesterday, New Brunswick MP Elsie Wayne lashed out at homosexual unions. She asked why gays enter parades and "dress up as women" on floats, stating mixed-sex couples don't seek the same publicity.
1:48:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

Manitoba Telecom spends $210 million on TV
- Telephone companies haven't given up on offering video services to consumers, despite being dissapointed with technology like VDSL and the cost of network upgrades. It's been a dream for quite some time, made somewhat more urgent lately as cable takes the lead in the residential broadband race by a fairly wide margin. Technologies like VDSL, once considered a likely video conduit, is now considered too expensive to deploy by many telcos. As a result the baby bells have been toying with the idea of new satellite partnerships. But some telcos, like Manitoba Telecom in Canada, are using new technology to bring Video to Winnipeg. The company recently spent $210 million to bring television to Winnipeg residents.
1:08:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

BBC - Al-Motassadek
Moroccan Charged in Germany with Role in September 11 Attacks
Voice of America - German prosecutors have charged a 30-year-old Moroccan as an accessory to murder in the September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States. Prosecutors say Abdelghani Mzoudi had provided logistical support to the Hamburg cell of the al-Qaida terrorist

9:24:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

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